Over the last three months, SportInspired delivered 15 Sport Festivals to over 3,000 children from 50 different schools across the UK! SportInspired introduced 15 new sports to improve the lives of thousands of UK children and young people. 

Picture this: you walk through the doors of a bright sports hall to a swarm of cheering and encouragement coming from hundreds of smiling children cheering on teammates and opponents who are playing volleyball, wheelchair basketball, rugby, martial arts, boccia, cricket, and dance. All around you, you hear team spirit chants from each team as they compete to win the Team Spirit trophy.  

This has been the reality of each and every one of the 3,000 children that participated in our sport festivals over the last three months- A Summer of Smiles and Success! 

Our Summer of Sport Festivals kicked off in May and ran until July, with thousands of children and young people. Each festival was designed to give kids a chance to participate in a range of high-octane sports while learning vital team-building skills.

What has been the response from SportInspired’s Summer of Sport Festivals?  

“Today I overcame my fear of dancing in front of people and I had so much fun!” - Student from St Anne Line Catholic Junior School 

“The festival taught me how to be confident and to never give up!” - Student from Lansbury Lawrence Primary School 

“I will always remember how much fun I had today and how I made so many new friends. I really enjoyed the teamwork too!” - Student from Janet Duke Primary School  

“Today really helped the kids think as a team. They really got into being all together as a group. The team spirit was there and they were bigging up other teams as well” - Teacher at the Sport Festival with Morgan Stanley  

Who supported SportInspired through the Summer of Sport Festivals? 

We were fortunate to deliver each sport festival with the support from a range of impactful and dedicated companies. We would like to thank UBS, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Nottinghill Genesis, Swan Foundation, Citi, EECF, Hymans Robertson, The Guinness Partnership, UnLtd, L&Q, Hadley Property Group, and Sport England for helping us provide children with the opportunity to experience the joy of sport at every sport festival.  

“It was incredible to see volunteers from all of our partners really getting into the festivals. They bonded with the children and made their experience more enjoyable and fun!” - Richard Raynes, CEO of SportInspired  

Our Young Leaders and Volunteers worked together seamlessly to rally up the kids and ensure each and every one of them had a fantastic and fun-filled day. We couldn’t have delivered our Summer of Sport Festivals without their support!  

Did your school miss our Summer of Sport Festivals? We still have sport festivals coming up in the Autumn! To register your school or get involved as a volunteer, contact our CEO directly at [email protected] or visit www.sportinspired.org/