We work with Housing Associations to support their residents and improve community cohesion.  We take a bespoke approach and offer a detailed consultation to ascertain how our model can work for your communities.

Our flexible, high-value model means that realistic investments will make a huge impact. Just one programme can reach:

  • 200+ primary school children (aged 8-10)
  • 30 young people (aged 11-15)
  • 100 volunteers (selected from your communities or strategic partners)
  • We use an ABCD model (Asset Based Community Development) to connect and empower local people and organisations to delivering inclusive programmes with long term impact.
  • Set up new, sustainable sports clubs in schools and in the community 
  • Generate positive community news
  • Deliver qualifications to young people and adults

"I really do not have the words to describe how much I thoroughly enjoyed this experience!" Marilena, Swan Housing Volunteer

Our programmes ensure that residents are able to come together as a community, to improve their health and wellbeing and also gain valuable skills and qualifications to enhance their future.  To see examples of how our projects have benefited the local community view our Partner Organisation Case Studies

Interested in partnering with us? 

Enquire here