SportInspired partnered with Swan Housing in 2018 with a new objective for our programme - train residents to deliver our legacy sports clubs. Given our programmes initially connect with children, it followed that targeting families of participants to train as sports coaches and deliver clubs would have the most impact. And it did.

The shared objectives were to inspire residents to improve their health, skills, and wellbeing, and to create a stronger sense of community. 

We recruited an entire family of four, Mum, Dad and two children to champion Boxercise for their neighbourhood in Basildon. We trained Mum, Dad and the eldest to become qualified Box Instructors and the youngest now support the family with promotion, delivery and participates in the club. A family united through sport. 









The Boxercise class launched in March 2019 and has been a huge success!

"We now have 27 children on our books and it is growing weekly. We are also looking at working with ASB team and youth offenders team, to encourage the kids to take a different path.

We have some of the older children looking to progress so we are in the process of setting it up as an amateur boxing club which is going to be amazing, we can’t thank you enough for helping us set this up."

Claire, Swan Housing Resident